Middle East & North Africa

At the precipice: Averting a civil war in Libya

After weeks of rising tensions between Libya’s political elites, the country is nearing collapse. Europeans must act fast to avoid another conflict on their doorstep



At the precipice: Averting a civil war in Libya

After weeks of rising tensions between Libya’s political elites, the country is nearing collapse. Europeans must act fast to avoid another conflict on their doorstep

Direct destabilisation: Iran’s attack on Israel

Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel risks further escalation in the Middle East. European leaders should join the US in pressing Israel not to retaliate with strikes on Iran – or the region could end up embroiled in an all-consuming war

On the brink: Why Europeans need to help save UNRWA from collapse

The UN agency dedicated to Palestinian refugees is on the brink of collapse, facing huge funding cuts and a dire situation amid the war in Gaza. But now more than ever, Europeans need to support its operations or risk an even more unstable situation

Rest meets West: How the UAE keeps its economic ties open

The UAE sees itself first and foremost as a valuable economic connector, bridging the BRICS+ and the West. Its bet is that great powers, even amid rising tensions, need a safe haven to do business with one another




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