The sweating bear: Why Russia’s influence in Africa is under threat

While Russia remains a potent player in parts of Africa, recent events in the Sahelian states have shown that Russian forces are deeply overstretched and losing credibility. It is obvious to all involved that Moscow has no solutions – which leaves a diplomatic opening for the West



The sweating bear: Why Russia’s influence in Africa is under threat

While Russia remains a potent player in parts of Africa, recent events in the Sahelian states have shown that Russian forces are deeply overstretched and losing credibility. It is obvious to all involved that Moscow has no solutions – which leaves a diplomatic opening for the West

Deserted: Europe’s dilemma in the Sahel

On Saturday, Germany became the latest European country to withdraw military forces from the Sahel. Other states may go further, closing embassies. But walking away, wagging a patronising white finger at states facing existential threats will do nothing to stabilise the region

Out of focus: Making progress on climate financing for Africa

The lack of financing for climate projects in Africa is a major obstacle for the continent to reach its goals under the Paris agreement. In this critical year for climate finance, scattered efforts threaten to stymie real progress

Trading bases: The Red Sea tinderbox and the maritime economy

Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping lanes expose how actors beyond the great powers can weaponise an interdependent global economy. To help overcome this threat, Europeans should advocate cooperation between the US and China




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