Operational hazard: A better way to support peace and security missions in Africa
The UN rightly wishes to devolve responsibility for peace support operations to regional partners. But it should draw up novel ways to achieve this in Africa
The UN rightly wishes to devolve responsibility for peace support operations to regional partners. But it should draw up novel ways to achieve this in Africa
The EU could form coalitions with the African Union at G20 summits on a variety of issues. To prepare for this, it should work with both the current and developing representatives of the organisation
The EU and its member states typically refuse to cooperate with unconstitutional governments. But they need to safeguard their security support to Niger to help combat the spread of jihadism in the region and prevent a counter-offer by Wagner
The war in Sudan has given rise to multiple – and sometimes divisive – mediation efforts. The EU and its member states should aim to help unify these efforts and end the warring parties’ ‘forum shopping’
The changing global order has created an enabling environment for the recent spike of takeovers in Africa’s ‘coup belt’ – with Russia and newly assertive middle powers offering themselves as partners to putschists
In November 2022 at COP 27 the European Union and Namibia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishing a strategic partnership to develop raw materials…
The EU and its member states should explore opportunities for trilateral energy and climate cooperation with the BRICS and African states, focusing on converging interests to mitigate the risks associated with growing south-south cooperation and a north-south divide
The United Nations and the African Union are moving towards the use of “peace enforcement” – but their preferred approach is unlikely to succeed
Russia is weaponising food insecurity for geopolitical gain. Europeans should focus their response on supporting the needs of African countries
L’incontro, organizzato dal mensile Africa e Affari, da Confindustria Assafrica e Mediterraneo e da ECFR con il sostegno di Lufthansa Group e di Assolombarda, ha l’obiettivo di analizzare le ragioni politiche dietro il Global Gateway