
Hugging the panda

There is nothing wrong in engaging China rather than antagonizing her: but Europe must coordinate its human rights policy towards Beijing

Gas crisis should refocus the EU’s priorities

Bulgaria was one of the countries worst affected by the gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine. What lessons are there for Bulgaria to learn?

Avoiding the next gas crisis

After an unprecedented two week gas shut off during a freezing winter, Andrew Wilson looks at what can be done to stop such crises becoming an annual event

Hammers and nails

As the US plans to beef up its foreign service, Europe should also consider instilling life to the idea of an integrated diplomatic service, argues Jos? Ignacio Torreblanca

Obama and the future of transatlantic relations

Obama will be barraged with ?wish lists? from around the world following inauguration. Ulrike Gu?rot argues the case for transatlantic relations

Die neue Au?enpolitik der USA

Pr?sident Obama muss die dringenden au?enpolitischen Herausforderungen sofort nach seiner Angelobung angehen