
Europe?s Russia problem

The European Union must develop a united policy on a hostile Russia, writes George Soros

Is it Russia?s time for democracy?

Russia is one of the few countries where economic growth and political freedom have moved in opposite directions. Will the financial crisis help democracy in Russia?

Moldova?s elections

Nicu Popescu discusses what is at stake in Moldova’s April 5 elections

Why Gaddafi should look to Europe

The African Union could lean a lot from the EU if it wants to become a serious union of African states

Re-booting Europe?s Iraq Policy

With German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on a two-day visit to Iraq it is high time for the EU to revamp its five-year old Iraq strategy

Serbia, mon amour

Spain should have nothing to fear from Kosovo?s independence, writes Jose Ignacio Torreblanca

How to avoid the ruin of the European market

Taskforces chaired by the European Commission should co-ordinate state aid, making sure that national measures reinforce each other to the greater benefit of the sectors concerned and avoid bending competition rules, writes Giuliano Amato and Emma Bonino