
Austria’s toughest EU presidency

Although Austria has the potential to influence EU policymaking more, the country often stands in its own way

Hungary for more: Viktor Orbán’s new European battles

ECFR’s EU28 Survey reveals that Hungary manages to outpoll even the United Kingdom as the “most disappointing” EU member state. But May’s European Parliament poll is likely to see it dig in rather than change course

The networked Union: in search of power couples

The EU28 of today miss much of their network potential for joint action. According to ECFR's EU Coalition Explorer the vast majority of bilateral ties appear to be underdeveloped

Wall in: The Eurosceptic challenge in Croatia

The collapse of the left and the rise of eurosceptisism have changed the Croatian political landscape ahead of the 2019 European Parliament elections. 

Belgium’s integration blues

Growing tensions on the left and the right have driven the country to adapt a more cautious stance towards European matters