Wake up! After these elections, Europe is again in danger
Don’t let anyone tell you the results are “not so bad”. The hard-right vote can pull the entire EU to the right, and imperil Ukraine
Don’t let anyone tell you the results are “not so bad”. The hard-right vote can pull the entire EU to the right, and imperil Ukraine
The meaning of the European Parliament election result lies not just in voter intention and turnout, but is also deeply linked with the participation of young Europeans
The EU’s green agenda is threatened by a predicted surge to the far-right in the upcoming European Parliament election. Against this, mainstream candidates should remind voters that climate policy is not only necessary for decarbonisation, but an essential tool for EU enlargement
Not only has the West failed to convince the rest of the world that it also has a stake in Ukraine’s defence, but this failure is emblematic of a broader shift. The sooner that the United States, Europe, and their allies recognise the limits of the post-1945 international institutions they established, the better off they will be
Draghi always knew that he could not depend on some members of his ruling coalition. Yet his legacy of leadership in the EU could survive his departure
Hungary’s parliamentary election could be a turning point in its foreign policy. An opposition win could mean realignment with the EU, but polls suggest that it might be a tight race
The events surrounding Slovakia’s parliamentary election show how endemic corruption can lead to unpredictable political transitions
European politicians need to pick voters’ legitimate worries out amid the noise of populist fear-mongering. And then they need to provide leadership to address these worries.
Russia and migration remain issues that divide the Polish and Italian governments from each other. And such disharmony could yet stymie cooperation between right-wing populists after the European Parliament poll.
A conversation between Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell and José Ignacio Torreblanca ahead of the European elections
Pro-Europeans should create space for battles between competing visions of Europe
Europeans are losing faith in the EU
Don’t let anyone tell you the results are “not so bad”. The hard-right vote can pull the entire EU to the right, and imperil Ukraine
The meaning of the European Parliament election result lies not just in voter intention and turnout, but is also deeply linked with the participation of young Europeans
The EU’s green agenda is threatened by a predicted surge to the far-right in the upcoming European Parliament election. Against this, mainstream candidates should remind voters that climate policy is not only necessary for decarbonisation, but an essential tool for EU enlargement
Not only has the West failed to convince the rest of the world that it also has a stake in Ukraine’s defence, but this failure is emblematic of a broader shift. The sooner that the United States, Europe, and their allies recognise the limits of the post-1945 international institutions they established, the better off they will be
Draghi always knew that he could not depend on some members of his ruling coalition. Yet his legacy of leadership in the EU could survive his departure
Hungary’s parliamentary election could be a turning point in its foreign policy. An opposition win could mean realignment with the EU, but polls suggest that it might be a tight race
The events surrounding Slovakia’s parliamentary election show how endemic corruption can lead to unpredictable political transitions
European politicians need to pick voters’ legitimate worries out amid the noise of populist fear-mongering. And then they need to provide leadership to address these worries.
Russia and migration remain issues that divide the Polish and Italian governments from each other. And such disharmony could yet stymie cooperation between right-wing populists after the European Parliament poll.
A conversation between Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell and José Ignacio Torreblanca ahead of the European elections
How are the German election results being perceived throughout Europe? And what do they mean for the future of our continent?
As France discovers the new making of its national assembly, this webinar will analyse the election results and reflect on their impact on a geopolitical…
As the European Union sets its new agenda, this webinar will delve into geoeconomics-related priorities for the incoming European Commission. Drawing on two new ECFR…
This webinar will provide a snapshot analysis of election results and their implications for Europe’s foreign policy and security agenda. Featuring perspectives from selected ECFR…
The Russian large-scale invasion of Ukraine has opened many European pandora boxes. Among them, energy and economic dependence from Russia; EU’s reaction time to Putin’s aggression; European disunity; the military and defense question; Europe’s fragility in the technological competition. Last, but not least, Europe’s exposure to external actors’ influence, with consequences on the information space and the “Open Internet” era, undermined like never before by disinformation
Amid a volatile geopolitical environment, ECFR’s recent public opinion poll ahead of the European elections shows that a geopolitical case for Europe resonates with voters,…
This webinar will discuss current revisions of the EU approach to enlargement policy and the security implications for Ukraine and the neighborhoods
In celebration of the opening of the ECFR Washington office, this public panel will look at the state of public opinion on the war in…
A new opinion poll and four-part strategy on how mainstream parties can campaign to resonate with pro-European voters
Building on the success and results of the 2023 Project “France-Italy-Germany Trilateral Dialogue: in Pursuit of a common agenda”, the 2024 Quadrilateral Project will continue to promote intra-European dialogue between capitals, extending last year’s trilateral format to Spain