European Elections

Macron’s European ambition begins in the Balkans

Emmanuel Macron’s attempts to block accession of Macedonia and Albania to the EU have nothing to do with the Western Balkans, and everything to do with the European elections

Orbán 3.0: What to expect next

Viktor Orbán’s post-victory intentions are clear: to extend Fidesz control over civil society and remaining independent media outlets. The stage is now set for the EU – with European People’s Party MEPs holding the balance – to take action on further violations of democratic principles and values

Hungary in the EU: From front runner to veto player

A convincing victory for Victor Orban will reinforce the Hungarian veto role in the EU. However, the country has only marginal influence beyond its neighbourhood on EU policies

Italy votes: Europe in the Italian election

The primary European issues in the Italian election debate are migration, the future of the eurozone, and security/defence. 

Too soon for champagne toasts to GroKo

The grand coalition treaty is strongly pro-European in tone, but the devil is in the details – and it could yet be rejected by SPD members

The long and winding road to Jamaica

The indications are this new German government will struggle to take advantage of the foreign policy opportunities presented by this election