Spain?s place at the table
Spain has managed to obtain a seat at the G-20, but it still has to figure out what it wants to stand for
Spain has managed to obtain a seat at the G-20, but it still has to figure out what it wants to stand for
Based on ECFR’s latest policy report, A Power Audit of EU-China Relations, John Fox and Francois Godement argue that for its own survival, Europe must revamp its China strategy
The EU should care enough to act in Moldova – it needs to
As European progressives seeking to allay contemporary anxieties look to the singular success of their American counterparts for comfort, they may be inspired, but should not assume that this is a model for the careful recalibration which is needed in the ?Old continent’
The decision to hold a recount in Moldova’s disputed election offers the European Union an opportunity to rediscover its democratic agency, says Vessela Tcherneva
Could a global emissions-trading system serve as the European Coal and Steel Community of our times?
The European Union is the only political actor with the credibility to find a solution to the current crisis in Moldova writes Nicu Popescu
The demonstrations in Moldova are unlike Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution”. They have been far from peaceful and have not been provoked by voting fraud. In this situation, the EU has a number of cards to play
The EU should immediately send a mediation team led by Javier Solana to settle the political crisis, Nicu Popescu recommends
ECFR Council Member Emma Bonino argues the need for a new, strategic European approach to Beijing based on reciprocal engagement