Spain: Southern Europe’s underrated player
In light of its demographic and economic weight and in view of its location at the crossroads of Europe and North Africa, Spain seems to be underrated in the current line-up of the large EU member states
In light of its demographic and economic weight and in view of its location at the crossroads of Europe and North Africa, Spain seems to be underrated in the current line-up of the large EU member states
The migrant crisis has spurred reforms to Europe’s border agency Frontex, but it can only be as strong as member states allow it to be
Poland appears to be firmly anchored among the six large member states of the EU, seen as more important than Spain
Josef Janning introduces the EU Cohesion Monitor and explains some of the stories hidden in its data
Wie viel EU steckt in Europa? Wir diskutieren zur Vorstellung des EU Cohesion Montior den Zusammenhalt Europas
A new study from ECFR shows that, perhaps surprisingly, between 2007 and 2014, cohesion among EU member states has improved, even after years of crises
The Berlin Foreign Policy Club in May invited Sebastian Dullien to present his new paper about the economic dimension of the refugee crisis to discuss the current trends and possible future for Europe.
Strategic reflection on the assets a more active European policy should prioritize in a changing and challenging regional environment
Europe can more sustainably and cost-efficiently handle refugee arrivals by centralising management at a European level
Rethink: Europe workshop on EU member state interaction discusses coalition survey results and EU power taxonomy