
Solving Kosovo’s Kosovo

Solving Mitrovica – Kosovo’s Kosovo – will require robust action by NATO and the EU, but also innovative thinking

Tibet – avoiding the tie-break

EU governments should put concrete demands to the Chinese government, including a comprehensive review of its Tibet policy

Behold a European foreign policy

At last week’s summit in Bucharest, the EU has confounded hard-liners in Washington and Moscow by deciding to revitalise NATO

Goodbye Balkans, Hello Adriatic Penninsula

The EU?s Western Balkans policy has had a mixed record since 2001 and new thinking is required in preparation for the next Commission

The threat of a boycott

European leaders need to follow France and Poland’s example and take a tougher line on China, with real political threats, if the situation in Tibet does not improve

One China against one dream

The events shaking the wider Tibetan area should lead both the Chinese government and its international partners to a deep reconsideration of past policies