Un salto di qualita’ per rilanciare il ruolo dell’europa
After the Irish no, EU leaders should avoid further introspection and move ahead with flexible integration. A comment piece in Italian from Il Riformista
After the Irish no, EU leaders should avoid further introspection and move ahead with flexible integration. A comment piece in Italian from Il Riformista
The “crisis” created by Ireland’s rejection of the Lisbon Treaty is pretty tame – the EU faces far greater dangers in East Africa. But Lisbon could help solve them
Whatever the reasons for the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty, the result is devastating for the EU both internally and externally
Europe’s citizens – and the world – need an EU that can act more effectively abroad. Failure by European leaders to create such a Union would have serious repercussions
An analysis of the Irish ‘no’ to the Lisbon Treaty, published in El Pais. In Spanish and English
With an Irish “No” to Lisbon, others should continue the ratification process and European leaders keep focus on how to make the EU an effective global player
The rejection of Lisbon by Irish voters would upset the delicate balance which has kept the much buffeted European ship afloat
The Paris conference this week is a “last-chance” saloon for Afghanistan and donor governments
The West could be sleepwalking into a war on the European continent. An article published in the Financial Times
Iran’s nuclear programme is as scary as the potential of an Israeli air strike on the country