
Troika, trio, treat, trick

After the elections for Commission president, we are now drowned in the gibberish of the Council of Europe president elections

Submarines in the desert

The recent controversy in the UK regarding a shortage of military equipment in Afghanistan highlights a wider refusal in Europe to recognise the nature of the security threats in a post Cold War world

Three sad songs

Europe needs to take decisive action on three Portuguese fronts: the Lisbon Agenda, the Lisbon Treaty and Barroso

Bittersweet anniversary

As Europe celebrates the 5th anniversary of enlargement, the concept of Eastern Europe is unfortunately still alive and well

Obama and Europe?s vanities

What Obama wants from Europe is a solid partner in a multipolar world, not 27 photo opportunities

Of summits, walls and ‘pigs’

Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, divisions between the East and West remain too wide

Theme park Europe

Few outside Europe, from the CIA to world public opinion, believe that the EU will be a relevant world actor in 2025

Losing the ‘good’ war

Afghanistan was always the ?good? war and Iraq, the bad one. But what if Bush?s legacy becomes losing the good war and winning the bad one?

Spheres of influence

Russia may be tempted to believe that it has succeeded in Georgia, but it has in fact further isolated itself and helped Europe unite

What to do next with Russia

The EU faces a tough dilemma: sanctions would further isolate Russia but a ?business as usual’ approach would send the wrong signal