Experts & Staff

Richard Gowan

Associate Senior Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

United Nations system; European security and defence policy; Africa; Western Balkans




Richard Gowan is an associate fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

He is currently UN director at the International Crisis Group, and was previously research director at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation. He has taught at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and Stanford in New York, and wrote a weekly column on multilateralism (“Diplomatic Fallout”) for World Politics Review from 2013-2019. He has acted as a consultant to the UN on peacekeeping, political affairs, and migration.

A confused EU cannot fight racism

The debacle in the UN could be the precursor of more clashes over human rights, with Europe as a target

Europe retreats

Europe’s military is beating the retreat just as the world’s emerging powers are expanding their presence ? an early sign perhaps of a new international order

Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes

Last year’s Congo crisis brought home the EU’s limitations as a global power. Will it accept them or try to overcome them? Richard Gowan discusses

How MEPs can help save the UN Human Rights Council

A European Parliament debate on the EU?s role on the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) comes at an embarrassing moment

Exiting Africa?

The Congo crisis demonstrated the UN’s limitations, but its longest-lasting effect may be to mark the end of European military interventions in Africa

The EU cannot accept defeat in Congo

If the EU or the UN send in substantial reinforcements, rebel leader Laurent Nkunda might pre-empt them by seizing Goma and take peacekeepers hostage

Europe’s UN human rights problem

There are clear signs that the EU’s influence at the UN is declining in one of the areas on which it is most united: human rights

On Iraq, it’s time to call Europe

The US presidential candidates should agree to set up an entirely independent team to canvass European views and share ideas for what do next in Iraq



Multilateral values: European ideals under pressure

The West no longer has a monopoly on values at the UN. But Europeans can shape a new narrative in the changing multilateral system by emphasising their commitment to sovereignty, development, and openness

How not to save the world: EU divisions at the UN

Although their new friendship treaty does not call for an EU Security Council seat, France and Germany must pitch a compelling vision of multilateralism at the UN

Lonely at the top

Running the United Nations is a lonely job for António Guterres – and he seems to prefer it that way. 

Saving British internationalism from Brexit

Even if the UK is a diminished power after Brexit international partners will still need its cooperation in the UN and NATO

Post-Humanitarian Europe

This week’s World Humanitarian Summit was an opportunity to discuss how to assist the suffering, yet the entire process showed much of the humanitarian sector at its most fragmented and self-indulgent

The limited avenues of internationalisation

The European response to the Syrian refugee crisis to date has been characterised by short-term and reactive measures. But this is going to be…

A broader watchfulness

While Syrians currently account for almost 20 percent of the 60 million refugees and IDPs worldwide, they are by no means the only ones…


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