Experts & Staff

Piotr Buras

Head, ECFR Warsaw
Senior Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

Germany's EU and foreign policy; Poland in the EU; EU politics


Polish, German, English


Piotr Buras is the head of ECFR’s Warsaw office and a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. His topics of focus include Germany’s EU and foreign policy, Poland in the EU, and EU politics.

Buras is a journalist, author and expert on German and European politics. Between 2008 and 2012 he worked as a columnist and Berlin correspondent for Gazeta Wyborcza, the biggest Polish daily newspaper. He started his professional career in the late 1990s at the Center for International Relations in Warsaw, one of the first Polish think-tanks. He continued his career at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Birmingham and at the University of Wroclaw (Poland). He was also a visiting fellow at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin. His recent book Moslems and the Other Germans. The Reinvention of the Berlin Republic was published in Polish in 2011.

View from Warsaw: Keeping a low profile

With a worsening international reputation, Poland has been strikingly quiet on the recent refugee deal

Note to Berlin: How to engage Poland

If Germany wants to avoid further deterioration of its relationship with Poland, it is important to make clear that a discussion of the rule of law in their country is not a German-Polish affair and an illegitimate meddling in Polish affairs, but a legitimate part of a European public debate

Where is Poland headed?

Does Polish national-conservative leader Jarosław Kaczyński have a plan? 

View from Poland: New government, new tone

While Poland's position is formally unchanged, Law and Justice's rhetoric is riling European partners



Image rites: Poland’s new role in Europe

Warsaw is in a uniquely strong position to launch an ambitious initiative for the EU’s eastern neighbourhood. To do this, it will need to use its new image in Europe to good effect



In the media