José Ignacio Torreblanca

Bittersweet anniversary

As Europe celebrates the 5th anniversary of enlargement, the concept of Eastern Europe is unfortunately still alive and well

Spain?s place at the table

Spain has managed to obtain a seat at the G-20, but it still has to figure out what it wants to stand for

Obama and Europe?s vanities

What Obama wants from Europe is a solid partner in a multipolar world, not 27 photo opportunities

Overwhelming Logic

Spain?s decision to withdraw from Kosovo will come at a high price to its international image

The others

There are two kinds of European in the continent today; those who have Europe and those who want it

Is it Russia?s time for democracy?

Russia is one of the few countries where economic growth and political freedom have moved in opposite directions. Will the financial crisis help democracy in Russia?

Serbia, mon amour

Spain should have nothing to fear from Kosovo?s independence, writes Jose Ignacio Torreblanca

Hugging the panda

There is nothing wrong in engaging China rather than antagonizing her: but Europe must coordinate its human rights policy towards Beijing