Hammers and nails
As the US plans to beef up its foreign service, Europe should also consider instilling life to the idea of an integrated diplomatic service, argues Jos? Ignacio Torreblanca
As the US plans to beef up its foreign service, Europe should also consider instilling life to the idea of an integrated diplomatic service, argues Jos? Ignacio Torreblanca
Jose Ignacio Torreblanca argues that Europe is not dependant on Russian gas, but instead on an unhealthy relationship with Moscow
With EU enlargement no more on offer, the EU?s neighbourhood policy faces increasing difficulties
Few outside Europe, from the CIA to world public opinion, believe that the EU will be a relevant world actor in 2025
Pakistan, Congo and Ukraine are three fault lines separating us from the future
Undoing Bush’s foreign policy legacy will be a huge challenge for Obama. But what can Europe do to help?
The G-20 Summit this week-end in Washington offers a good opportunity to reflect on what Europe wants to achieve, both internally and externally
If the Obama phenomenon is confirmed in the public vote on 4 November, the repercussions in US foreign policy will be huge
Germany?s decision to increase its troops in Afghanistan is both courageous and necessary: the security of both European and Afghan citizens is inseparable
Afghanistan was always the ?good? war and Iraq, the bad one. But what if Bush?s legacy becomes losing the good war and winning the bad one?