José Ignacio Torreblanca

Ossetia farce

Moscow’s decision to recognize Georgia’s breakaway regions is a profound challenge to Europe’s security architecture

EU defence: the numbers don’t add up

The EU collectively spends an annual 200 billion euro on defence but squanders most of it on Cold War-style armies

Who is afraid of a ruthless Europe?

A survey carried out after the Irish referendum outlines a very worrying landscape for the future of European integration

The Naked Emperor

An analysis of the Irish ‘no’ to the Lisbon Treaty, published in El Pais. In Spanish and English.

The prospect of an Irish ‘no’

The rejection of Lisbon by Irish voters would upset the delicate balance which has kept the much buffeted European ship afloat

An ugly face of Europe

Closing itself to immigration will not solve Europe’s problems, and it will impair its attractiveness as a model open society. An op-ed in Spanish and English.

Spanish government must recognise Kosovo

To underscore its commitment to Balkan stability, the Spanish government should recognise Kosovo’s independence. An op-ed from El Pais, in Spanish.

Zapatero: what next?

With a good international image and a key position in Europe, Latin America and the Mediterranean, there is an opportunity for Spain to play a more prominent global role which the new government should explore