Experts & Staff
Fredrik Wesslau

Fredrik Wesslau

ECFR Alumni · Director of the Wider Europe Programme

Areas of expertise

European foreign policy, conflict and crisis management, state-building, counter-piracy, South Caucasus, and Western Balkans


Swedish, English, French


Fredrik Wesslau used to be Director of the Wider Europe Programme and Senior Policy Fellow at ECFR until 2018.

Spain’s Kosovo-Catalonia conundrum

Madrid is inadvertently equating Catalonia and Kosovo and, by doing so, revealing itself to be unable to distinguish between legitimate aspirations for self-rule and destabilizing separatism

What to do about Turkey?

Suspending Turkey’s EU accession process would be a strategic mistake of historic proportions



Spain’s Kosovo-Catalonia conundrum

Madrid is inadvertently equating Catalonia and Kosovo and, by doing so, revealing itself to be unable to distinguish between legitimate aspirations for self-rule and destabilizing separatism

What to do about Turkey?

Suspending Turkey’s EU accession process would be a strategic mistake of historic proportions

Putin’s friends in Europe

The upsurge of populism in Europe has provided Russia with an ample supply of sympathetic political parties across the continent

View from Stockholm: Not the time for frailty

Given Russia’s multiple moves to up the ante in recent weeks, Stockholm sees no reason for the EU to change direction

Russia sanctions and magical thinking

Sanctions are clearly not an end in themselves. They are a tool and as such should be responsive to ensure maximum leverage. But this flexibility should not come at the cost of credibility



In the media