Daniel Korski

Europe et op?rations ext?rieures

Daniel Korski et Richard Gowan sur la strat?gie de s?curit? civilo-militaire de l?UE. L?Europe peut-elle passer de la rh?torique ? l?action?

“Mushtarak”, le Guadalcanal agfhan?

Daniel Korski dans le Monde sur l?op?ration Mushtarak en Afghanistan et pourquoi elle doit ?tre une campagne militaire et politique et pas simplement une bataille

In defence of Europe

European defence ministers are meeting at a difficult time, with Robert Gates accusing Europeans of threatening Euro-Atlantic security, and the recent collapse of the Dutch government over Afghanistan. The defence ministers urgently need to re-examine how the continent thinks about its security

Dobro do?li to the Balkans, Baroness Ashton

Catherine Ashton visits the Western Balkans in her first official foreign trip, and is again roundly criticised. But this troubled region could do with her attention

Europe and the rise of the world’s lynchpin states

While Europe focuses on India and China, a host of medium-sized emerging powers are helping to reshape global diplomacy. Is Europe ready for the rise of the lynchpin states?

Time for Europe to think bold thoughts

Europe has a lot to gain from being inventive. A Turkish-EU troop offer could help unlock Gaza – and the Middle East peace process

Boxing clever

Catherine Ashton appears to be an out-fighter

The EU is helping Haiti

Sometimes crises are just that ? crises, not an excuse to grandstand or promote bureaucratic growth. On that basis, the EU is handling the Haiti crisis well

Yemen: Europe?s next challenge

Terrorists plots and embassy shut-downs: Yemen received a lot of media attention over the New Year period. But now action, including by the EU, must replace the headlines