Europe needs an Afghan surge, too
Europe should launch its own Afghan surge to complement America’s military push
Europe should launch its own Afghan surge to complement America’s military push
The Taliban in Afghanistan are often portrayed as a single, monolithic entity. They’re not
Daniel Korski writes from Afghanistan about his most recent on-the-ground observations
Destroying the poppy fields hasn’t worked. The US should focus on long-term development to solve Afghanistan’s drug problem
Pakistan is the pivot around which revolves peace on the Indian subcontinent and the success of NATO’s mission to Afghanistan, argues Korski. But EU?s policy towards that country resembles its old technocratic and apolitical approach
The financial crisis has implications far outside the finance and economic sectors. What does it mean for the EU’s foreign policy?
With German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on a two-day visit to Iraq it is high time for the EU to revamp its five-year old Iraq strategy
Once he enters office, President Obama will bring a profound challenge to the comfortable introversion of many EU governments
A new US president will want to see a significant enhancement of the European effort in Afghanistan. The issue is likely to be viewed in Washington as a litmus test of whether Europeans should be taken seriously as strategic partners
EU member states have dented the Union?s guiding principle of solidarity by not acting collectively to help Iceland