Ukraine: torn between Russia and the West
Which consequences of the Ukrainian crisis on EU-Russia relations
Which consequences of the Ukrainian crisis on EU-Russia relations
Crisi ucraina: quali conseguenze e sfide per le relazioni Europa-Russia
Nuclear talks, Iran's potential role in MENA crisis's, Iran-Italy relations, What should Europe do
Nucleare, Iran nella regione, Italia-Iran, Cosa dovrebbe fare l'Europa
Alla presenza del Vice Ministro degli Affari Esteri e Consigliere ECFR Lapo Pistelli, ne discutiamo con Mattia Toaldo, Policy Fellow del programma Middle East and North Africa di ECFR, alla luce del rapporto ECFR “A European agenda to support Libya’s transition”.
While it is up to Libyans to choose their leaders and representatives – Europe’s ability to influence the transition in Libya is strong and should be used more effectively
Recent developments in Ukraine and Crimea lead to several questions on the future of Kiev, its relations with Europe, Russia’s role, the consequences on the post-soviet region, the US position and the reactions of some of most relevant international actors as China, Turkey and the Arab region.
I recenti fatti in Ucraina e Crimea pongono diversi quesiti sul futuro di Kiev, i rapporti con l’Europa, il ruolo della Russia, le ripercussioni nella regione post-sovietica, la posizione degli Stati Uniti e le conseguenze della crisi su attori come la Cina, la Turchia e il mondo arabo.
Presentation of “The Eurosceptic surge and how to respond to it”, by Mark Leonard and José Ignacio Torreblanca
Come rispondere all'avanzata dell'Euroscetticismo