Le elezioni tedesche e il futuro dell’Europa
Cosa si aspetta l'Europa dalla Germania?
Cosa si aspetta l'Europa dalla Germania?
The debate will be an opportunity to discuss about the outcomes and implications of the German elections for Europe and for the European project.
Brainstoarming sull'Egitto e non solo
The discussion will explore the possible paths to tackle the current political crisis and encourage reconciliation in Egypt.
Cittadinanza europea, legittimità democratica e unione economica
Discussion will be focused on EU citizenship and democratic legitimacy; European political union and a stronger economic and monetary union
Una valutazione della politica estera dell'Ue e degli stati membri
The ECFR Rome office, in partnership with the EC Representation to Italy, will present the findings and conclusions of the third edition of ECFR European Foreign Policy Scorecard
Il futuro dell'Europa
Participants will discuss about the future of the UK-EU relations