The Eurosceptic surge and how to respond to it
Presentation of “The Eurosceptic surge and how to respond to it”, by Mark Leonard and José Ignacio Torreblanca
Presentation of “The Eurosceptic surge and how to respond to it”, by Mark Leonard and José Ignacio Torreblanca
Come rispondere all'avanzata dell'Euroscetticismo
An important occasion to discuss about 2013 ECFR Rome activites and achievements and about current issues and developments regarding Ukraine, the MENA region and Europe and the upcoming EU elections.
Incontro annuale per discutere delle attività e degli obiettivi raggiunti da ECFR Roma nel 2013 e di importanti questioni di politica estera tra cui Ucraina, la regione MENA, Europe ed elezioni europee
Italy's and Europe's foreign policy performance in 2013
Chi “guida” e chi “blocca” la politica estera dell'Ue
Which areas need to be addressed if the Palestinian leadership wants to overcome the present challenges it faces?
Quale futuro per la soluzione dei due stati?
Quale futuro per l'Europa?
European current architecture has shown its weaknesses and today everybody seems aware of this. To overcome the crisis, we now need a real breakthrough which will enable Europe to come back as a global actor.