A win for Orbán? Hungary and the new European Commission
The man nominated to encourage democratic norms among the EU’s neighbours has overseen the degradation of Hungary’s own standards. The damage could already be done
The man nominated to encourage democratic norms among the EU’s neighbours has overseen the degradation of Hungary’s own standards. The damage could already be done
Spain, and Europe, need a new story about migration – it remains to be seen how the country will put this into practice
Discussion of recent developments in Syria and the implications for European policy toward the ongoing crisis.
Viktor Orbán may reject the EU’s way of doing things. But the political maelstrom he has helped unleash could equally see him floored
Introduction After eight years of fighting and destruction resulting in the largest humanitarian and refugee crisis of our time, the government of Bashar al-Assad…
Workshop Understanding the role of third actors & looking for solutions to tackle the brain drain
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un Black Coffee Morning, en présence de Tasnim Abderrahim, Shoshana Fine, Olivier Kaba et Chloe Teevan sur le thème suivant : « Europe-Maghreb : quelle coopération en matière de migration ? »
Conferencia, celebrada en colaboración con Casa Árabe, para tratar las cuestiones migratorias que conciernen a Europa y al Norte de África
Following the launch of Tasnim Abderrahim's paper on migration in the mediterranean, the ECFR Berlin is hosting a lunch time event to discuss European cooperation with North Africa.
Economic freedom vs security cooperation- Malta's commitment to EU integrations remains fragmented by national interests.