Migration Cooperation across the Mediterranean

Following the launch of Tasnim Abderrahim's paper on migration in the mediterranean, the ECFR Berlin is hosting a lunch time event to discuss European cooperation with North Africa. 


Tasnim Abderrahim, Visiting Fellow MENA-Programme, ECFR
Martin Thuemmel, Head of Division- Coordination Staff for Refugees and Migration, Federal Foreign Office

Chaired by

Chloe Teevan, Programme Coordinator – MENA, ECFR



Monday, 11. February, 12:00- 14:00, Rosmarinstraße 1, 10117 Berlin 

The ECFR invites you to a lunchtime event to mark the launch of a new paper by our visiting fellow Tasnim Abderrahim, Pushing the boundaries: How to create more effective migration cooperation across the Mediterranean. Following an input session from the author herself as well as Martin Thuemmel from the German Federal Foreign Office, we are going to discuss how Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia view European policy proposals on migration, including long-touted disembarkation platforms, which have been widely rejected across North Africa, as well as wider securitisation measures aimed at more forcefully blocking outward flows towards Europe. The discussion will consider core North African priorities shaping the possibility of new agreements with Europe, suggesting where and how Europeans might more effectively lock in local support on border management, while also exploring how German and European thinking has evolved as a result of ongoing discussions with North Africa.

We are looking forward to your particpation!