
Don’t mention the war

European defence chiefs should help improve the EU’s lacklustre performance in Afghanistan

Kosovo: Between Kiribati and Kuwait

Kosovo?s independence will require restraint and calm by all parties. Even so, it will present a number of key challenges for the EU

Boycotting the China Olympics

Spielberg was right to step down but governments should look at China’s policies within a historical context, and have a strategy for influencing Beijing beyond the summer of 2008

Democratic Asia changes course

In the past few years, almost all of East Asia’s fully fledged democracies have changed leadership – but this has gone rather unnoticed by European observers who focus on China alone

What does China think?

China is emerging not just as an economic giant, but as a powerhouse of ideas about politics, economics and world order. Its own model of globalisation could re-shape much of the world

Fighting in Chad should prompt EU re-think

If the European Union is to succeed in Chad, it will need to design an integrated response, covering political, development and military action alike

France’s Shakespearean defence review

There are two sure signs that France’s defence review is entering its end-game: a new imprecision has crept into forecasts of when the outcome will be published (“spring”); and interesting disclosures are beginning to appear

Is the EU living up to its rhetoric on human rights?

The gap between the EU’s rhetorical and actual commitment to democracy and human rights could lead to growing international scepticism about the EU’s role on the global stage

Serbia’s European dream lives on – but only just

Pro-European Boris Tadic may have regained the Serbian presidency, but his country remains sharply divided and the fight for its European future is not over. The EU should think hard about ways to support the pro-democracy camp