The Gaza crisis: Mapping the Middle East’s shifting battle lines
This new ECFR mapping project identifies the spillover effects of the Gaza war in countries across the Middle East
Israel and Hamas have finally reached a ceasefire deal to end the war in Gaza. Europeans must now work with the incoming Donald Trump administration and Arab partners to secure Palestinian self-determination
Pro-Israel hardliners dominate Trump’s new administration, leaving Palestinians with little hope for justice. European leaders can counterbalance this by supporting Palestinian self-determination and enforcing accountability
With a two-state solution at risk, Europeans must work closely with Arab states to bring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to an end
The International Criminal Court has issued a historic arrest warrant for Israel’s prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu. European governments must defend the court’s independence and uphold international law
As Donald Trump prepares for his second US presidency, Iranian and Israeli military manoeuvring during President Biden’s lame-duck period risks drawing the US into all-out war in the Middle East
Mark Leonard welcomes Julien Barnes-Dacey, Ellie Geranmayeh, and Hugh Lovatt to discuss the regional war in the Middle East one year on from the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel
Europeans should use their leverage with Israel and Iran to work towards regional peace
The Middle East is on the brink of a full-blown regional conflict. Western efforts to secure a ceasefire between Israel and Hizbullah will fail without pressure on Israel to accept a ceasefire in Gaza
While Israeli frustration with Netanyahu is building, he will likely stay prime minister and continue to obstruct a credible diplomatic track with Palestinians. But even if he were removed from office, Israeli resistance to Palestinian self-determination would remain
Konflikte in Gaza, im Sudan und in der Ukraine, irreguläre Migration, Klimakrise und Extremismus: Die Welt wird von immer mehr gleichzeitig aufretenden Krisen erschüttert, die…
With a two-state solution at risk, Europeans must work closely with Arab states to bring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to an end
Introduction War threatens to engulf Gaza’s fragile calm. In each of the three recent conflicts that have shaken the Gaza Strip, fighting between Palestinian factions…
Israel and Hamas have finally reached a ceasefire deal to end the war in Gaza. Europeans must now work with the incoming Donald Trump administration and Arab partners to secure Palestinian self-determination
Pro-Israel hardliners dominate Trump’s new administration, leaving Palestinians with little hope for justice. European leaders can counterbalance this by supporting Palestinian self-determination and enforcing accountability
The International Criminal Court has issued a historic arrest warrant for Israel’s prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu. European governments must defend the court’s independence and uphold international law
As Donald Trump prepares for his second US presidency, Iranian and Israeli military manoeuvring during President Biden’s lame-duck period risks drawing the US into all-out war in the Middle East
Europeans should use their leverage with Israel and Iran to work towards regional peace
The Middle East is on the brink of a full-blown regional conflict. Western efforts to secure a ceasefire between Israel and Hizbullah will fail without pressure on Israel to accept a ceasefire in Gaza
While Israeli frustration with Netanyahu is building, he will likely stay prime minister and continue to obstruct a credible diplomatic track with Palestinians. But even if he were removed from office, Israeli resistance to Palestinian self-determination would remain
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel’s continued occupation of Palestinian territory is unlawful. Now Europe must support further differentiation measures, and recognise Palestine’s right to self-determination
The International Criminal Court is likely to approve arrest warrants for leaders of both Hamas and Israel. European countries should ensure they do not undermine the process and explore ways it could help promote an end to the conflict
Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel risks further escalation in the Middle East. European leaders should join the US in pressing Israel not to retaliate with strikes on Iran – or the region could end up embroiled in an all-consuming war
This new ECFR mapping project identifies the spillover effects of the Gaza war in countries across the Middle East
Mark Leonard welcomes Julien Barnes-Dacey, Ellie Geranmayeh, and Hugh Lovatt to discuss the regional war in the Middle East one year on from the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel
Mark Leonard welcomes Hugh Lovatt and Muhammad Shehada to discuss the war in Gaza and the prospects for Palestinian statehood
Mark Leonard welcomes Hugh Lovatt, Julien Barnes-Dacey, and Jeremy Shapiro to discuss the current situation in Gaza and the possible futures of the war
Jeremy Shapiro welcomes Cinzia Bianco and Hugh Lovatt to discuss the role of the Persian Gulf in the ongoing conflict in Gaza
Konflikte in Gaza, im Sudan und in der Ukraine, irreguläre Migration, Klimakrise und Extremismus: Die Welt wird von immer mehr gleichzeitig aufretenden Krisen erschüttert, die…
Nella sua edizione 2024, il Rome Foreign Policy Club riunisce giovani ricercatori italiani under 40 per costruire ipotesi di scenario che possano supportare la definizione di policy da parte del Ministero per gli Affari Esteri e la Cooperazione Internazionale. L’evento più significativo per l’anno in corso è indubbiamente rappresentato dalle elezioni americane di novembre il cui esito avrà enormi implicazioni su due aspetti cruciali del contesto internazionale: i rapporti con Cina e Sud Globale e le relazioni con Mosca alla luce del conflitto in Ucraina
On 29 December 2023, South Africa filed its first-ever application before the International Court of Justice in response to the situation in the Gaza Strip,…
To take stock of the recent escalation in Gaza and international stabilisation efforts
A Private Roundtable with B'Tselem
El pasado martes 23 de junio ECFR Madrid y Eslgobal debatieron con Yehuda Shaul, co-fundador de la ONG israelí “Breaking the Silence”, acerca de su nuevo libro “El Libro Negro de la Ocupación”. Entre los expertos que asistieron se contó con periodistas, profesores, activistas, cooperantes y analistas
What impact on the peace process, the region, and Israel’s international relations?”
Le conseguenze sul processo di pace, regione e rapporti internazionali