Mark Leonard

Berlin’s European agenda

The next German government must lead the way in forging European consensus on migration, foreign policy, and a common system of values. This means it will have to think bigger than ever before

Europe’s crisis starts at home

The biggest threat to the European project is not the “illiberal” saboteurs on the periphery of the EU, but the deep divide within member states, including bastions of liberalism such as France and Germany

How Britain Lost Its Cool

In the past 20 years, the UK and Germany have switched positions, with the latter now representing openness while the former has come to embody backward-looking nationalism. But there is no reason to believe that the two countries won't swap places again

Winners and losers in the UK election

The UK election result emphatically confirmed the sense that the political class is out of touch with popular sentiment

The Macron Method

To bring true change, Macron will have to reconcile technocracy and populism

Planning for President Le Pen

Europe must address seriously the possibility of Marine Le Pen winning, however unlikely it may seem

Trump the Ideologue?

Even those who seem to take Trump seriously are failing to get to the root of Trumpism.