Mark Leonard

How Trump will save Europe

Ironically, the deeply Euroskeptic U.S. president and his ally in the Kremlin may provide the push Europe needs to finally resolve its biggest crises.

Harnessing the Politics of Disruption

What both the Brexit vote and Trump's election show is a serious lack of confidence in existing institutions

Ten Foreign Policy Trends for 2017

Here are our ten trends (plus one bonus) that will define European foreign policy in 2017

The Coming Brexit Tragedy

With both sides ignoring the decline of the liberal world order, the Brexit process is set to result in tragedy for both the UK and EU

Europe, Alone in Trump’s World

Europeans will not only have to get used to Trump; they will have to look at the world through different eyes

EU-Turkey relations after July 15: Turning the page

A complex and explosive mixture of misunderstandings, bad blood and unrecognised but shared interests has brought EU-Turkey relationship to a critical juncture

Playing Defense in Europe

The dislocation and confusion of 2016 do not rival the turmoil of the interwar period, but they are certainly symptoms of a new interregnum

Boris Johnson the Counter-Revolutionary

Johnson did more than anyone to bury Britain’s European future; but his ultra-flexibility may yet prove to be its salvation

Europe seen from the outside – the British view

The next phase of European integration must engage with – and provide safeguards against – the dark side of interdependence. Otherwise Brexit will be just the beginning.