Mark Leonard

The 20 year crisis

Response to the Haiti tragedy; the struggling mission in Afghanistan; the economic crisis. The west is in a ’20 year crisis’

Europe must rediscover its power

The EU needs to take a good look at its relations and position in the world ? Lady Ashton is well placed to integrate its strengths

Europe must stand up for Georgia

Open letter: Twenty years after half of Europe was freed, a new wall is being built – across Georgia

The self-hating Parliament

The next generation of EU technocrats will need to be populists as well

What now?

Once he enters office, President Obama will bring a profound challenge to the comfortable introversion of many EU governments

Poisonous relations

The EU needs to figure out a way to come together to fight back against Russian aggression. An article published in Newsweek

Big Brother versus YouTube

For China, the Olympics are no longer a sporting event – they are a battle to define how the country is seen by its citizens and the world

Boycotting the China Olympics

Spielberg was right to step down but governments should look at China’s policies within a historical context, and have a strategy for influencing Beijing beyond the summer of 2008