Syrian Diplomacy Renewed: From Vienna to Raqqa
An “Islamic State first” strategy, that neglects the urgent need to secure political progress and de-escalation in Syria will fail
An “Islamic State first” strategy, that neglects the urgent need to secure political progress and de-escalation in Syria will fail
I fatti di Parigi e gli scenari per la sicurezza in Europa e in Medio Oriente
After Paris: scenarios for European and Middle-Eastern security
The terrorist attacks in Paris prompted calls for active foreign policy action and at the same time exposed the deepening European divisions that stem from the response to the refugee crisis
Терористичните атаки в Париж предизвикваха призиви за сериозни външнополитически действия, но и разкриха задълбочаващите се европейски различия, произлизащи от различните реакции на страните членки на бежанския поток от последните месеци
Desayuno organizado por ECFR Madrid, Política Exterior y esglobal, con la colaboración de Caixa Forum Madrid
On November 19 2015, the topic of “Migration as a shared European responsibility” was discussed with Emma Bonino, Former Foreign Minister and Former Minister for International Trade and European Affairs of Italy and Member of ECFR Board in the Representation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in Berlin.
Closing our borders to keep the others away is precisely what ISIS wants
France's call for European support in response to Paris attacks is an opportunity for the EU to renew cohesion over military cooperation
In Europe's war of character against terrorism, level-headed circumspection will serve better than a rush to retaliate and demonise