European Power

Into the jungle

Europeans and Americans are failing to coordinate their Russia policies. At a time when the old world order is disappearing fast, their loss of normative unity may actually be helpful

Belgium’s integration blues

Growing tensions on the left and the right have driven the country to adapt a more cautious stance towards European matters

Nord Stream 2: ECFR opinions

Nord Stream 2 is a contentious project – here, ECFR experts weigh in on the debate with an array of opinions on the topic

Top ten ECFR reads from 2018

2018 was a big picture year for our readers, or at least their worries expanded. In 2017, our readers’ eyes were clearly turned to Russia—seven…

Latvia’s controlled discontents

Latvia is aware of the EU’s beneficial role to both its economy and security and will likely remain a reliable and stable partner within the Union. 

Romania ahead of the EU presidency

Bucharest should use the six-month rotating presidency of the European Council to work on the country’s European image