Europe’s foreign and security policy agenda for a Trump presidency
Panel discussion with the next generation of security experts
Panel discussion with the next generation of security experts
In the 2016 parliamentary elections in Iceland, the Pirate Party celebrated its largest ever electoral success, winning 14.5 percent of the popular vote and securing…
What are the expectations and concerns of Americans and Europeans regarding President Trump?
The long-distance bromance may founder when its principals actually get to meet.
There remains a core agreement on certain key values but the EU is deeply divided on immigration, on Russia, and perhaps soon on the United States.
The return on the US table of the Taiwan issue gives us an inkling of what Trump's foreign policy priorities might be
ECFR celebró un un debate sobre el futuro de las reformas en Ucrania con Gustav Gressel, investigador principal en ECFR y distintos miembros y expertos de la sociedad civil ucraniana.
Avec la participation de Christine OCKRENT, journaliste et commentatrice politique, Jeremy SHAPIRO, directeur des études, ECFR, et Manuel LAFONT RAPNOUIL, directeur de l'ECFR Paris
Европейският съвет за външна политика (ЕСВП) организира затворена работна среща с г-н Кнут Ейбрахам, Директор „Двустранни отношения с Централна и Източна Европа, Южен Кавказ и Централна…
L'ECFR Paris a le plaisir de vous inviter à un nouveau BCM animé par François Godement, Shi Zhiqin, et modéré par Mathieu Duchâtel.