ECFR Council

Stop rewarding violence in Afghanistan

The international community needs to get serious about helping Afghanistan and stop rewarding human rights abuses

Iceland in the EU? Yes, but?.

The Icelandic application for EU membership is a little bit special: propelled by the economic crisis, the EU’s eagerness will annoy other potential accession states

Right problem, wrong solution

The German Constitutional Court finally approved the Lisbon Treaty this week. But why was this necessary?

Is Sweden up to the challenge?

Financial crisis, the stalement created by the Czech presidency, the uncertainty surrounding Lisbon and EU institutions: there is certainly a lot on the Swedish Presidency plate

A Swedish-led listening tour of the East

The EU should start listening and involving the small and fragile states of the eastern neighbourhood, and the Swedish Presidency should be the body lead this “listening tour” charge

Reinvigorating the EU?s Eastern Policy

There will be dire consequences on the EU’s eastern border unless the EU rethinks its eastern neighbourhood strategy

Una ?ola azul? o la hora de Merkel-Sarkozy

Europe’s traditional social-democractic parties are being challenged by the far right, says Ulrike Guerot in a piece in Spanish

The foreign-policy solidarity gap

European solidarity is though but necessary ? especially in today?s economic, political and security climate