ECFR Council

Una ?ola azul? o la hora de Merkel-Sarkozy

Europe’s traditional social-democractic parties are being challenged by the far right, says Ulrike Guerot in a piece in Spanish

The foreign-policy solidarity gap

European solidarity is though but necessary ? especially in today?s economic, political and security climate

The quiet EU-Russia summit

This EU-Russia summit is set to be a big disappointment. Nicu Popescu discusses why

Moldavija – pozabljena de?ela na robu EU

Če v Bruslju ne bodo vodili “dejavne” politike do Moldavije, bo v njej zavladal avtoritarni re?im, kakr?nega imajo v sosednji Belorusiji

EU unity and divisions on the East

The EU must take a serious took at the strategy it employs to its East – the disunity on how to deal with Russia and the Eastern Neighbourhood is paralysing

A confused EU cannot fight racism

The debacle in the UN could be the precursor of more clashes over human rights, with Europe as a target

Svegliati Europa!

ECFR Council Member Emma Bonino argues the need for a new, strategic European approach to Beijing based on reciprocal engagement

La vieja dama no puede

Perhaps it is time for a new transatlantic forum, argues Ulrike Guerot