ECFR Council

Europe must rediscover its power

The EU needs to take a good look at its relations and position in the world ? Lady Ashton is well placed to integrate its strengths

Time to rally the European troops, General Ashton

Baroness Ashton may be judged on how well she dons a general’s beret. In building Europe’s military capabilities, there is fortunately both much to rectify and build on.

When bad news goes unnoticed

With the rest of Europe preoccupied with the van Rompuy and Ashton appointments, the French Europe Minister, Pierre Lellouche, picked the best time to announce some bad news: there will no joint Franco-German minister

After all the horse-trading, the final two

The names Hermann van Rompuy and Cathy Asthon have baffled Europeans today. But they may prove to be exactly the type of names Europe needs at its top.


Europe’s Foreign Ministers must do all they can to help the new High Representative if the EU is to enjoy a fully functional foreign policy

A new world of diplomacy

We need diplomats to liaise with cities and regions

Fotos de aniversario

An opinion piece in Spanish from the pages of El Pais on our transatlantic report