ECFR Council

Money Talks

The EU’s success will be measured against its ability to act on the global stage, so its governments will have to allocate more towards a common EU foreign policy

Behold a European foreign policy

At last week’s summit in Bucharest, the EU has confounded hard-liners in Washington and Moscow by deciding to revitalise NATO

The threat of a boycott

European leaders need to follow France and Poland’s example and take a tougher line on China, with real political threats, if the situation in Tibet does not improve

Acting as one: Europe’s diplomatic service

With the Lisbon Treaty still to be ratified, discussions of the EEAS are limited and proposals modest. But the EEAS could bring a revolutionary improvement in the EU’s ability to act abroad – if bold thinking is allowed

A united Europe must stand up to Russia

The Russian presidential election is such a cliffhanger. Will it be the rising star Dmitry “Obamovich” Medvedev? Or the veteran Gennady “McCainovich” Zyuganov? Aren’t we on the edge of our seats?

The EU and Iraq: starting to find a strategy?

The EU is increasingly detached from efforts to stabilise Iraq. But EU governments cannot afford to ignore the situation there, and should use the year ahead to identify strategies to assist Iraq alongside the next US administration

ECFR Berlin office 2008

A short overview about the themes and some of the projects the Berlin ECFR office will be working on in 2008