Wider Europe

Russia 2030: potential impact on French policies

France's response to the Ukraine crisis has been more active and more determined than many would have predicted, but with ongoing operations in Africa and the Middle East it should be careful not to overstretch itself

An unpredictable Russia: the impact on Poland

With a raft of other crises at the EU’s doorstep, Warsaw might find it difficult to gain support for its assertive approach towards Russia

NATO enlargement: Assurances and misunderstandings

How far the recent deterioration relations in Russia’s relations with the West might have been prevented if NATO had not expanded is a question for historians, but it was not the only factor

The amazing speed of Turkey’s foreign policy U-turn

With a Kurdish insurgency brewing at home and US and Russian support for Kurdish forces on Turkey’s southern flank in Syria, an overhaul in foreign policy presented itself as an unavoidable strategic imperative

Rehearsals for war

With Russia building up its military capacity at staggering speed, it might be time to develop new rules of engagement, to avoid the worst-case scenario