Thomas Klau

A new deal for the eurozone

The Maastricht foundation that underpins the € has been shown to be a fair weather construct, unsuited to the economic troubles of the last two years. Now a new storm-proof framework is needed, with Germany sharing economic sovereignty in exchange for other eurozone members buying into a new governance model largely devised in Berlin

Europe would welcome a surprise act of statesmanship

The historic reordering of British politics has been overshadowed by the world?s worst financial crisis in generations. The rest of Europe waits to see what David Cameron will do

EU policy makers need a political reality check

The European Commission?s budget monitoring proposals are sensible, but to succeed they must be firmly rooted in the democratic procedures of member states

Welt ohne F?hrung

Obama’s China-Visit was more than an episode: it symbolises the end of a long era of global US leadership. The power vacuum will have to be filled by stronger global institutions. A piece in German

Besser wird’s nicht

The Lisbon Treaty makes the EU neither efficient nor democratic enough. But it was the best available deal under the outdated and foolish unanimity rule. A piece in German

Guides for Westerwelle

Two predecessors illuminate how Guido Westerwelle could leave his mark on German foreign policy

A microcosm of Europe

What would happen if all of Europe were brought together in one room? This weekend an ambitious 'deliberative poll' will help us find out

Paris: Retour vers un nouveau d?part

Depuis Jean Monnet, ses politiques et ses citoyens furent souvent les premiers en Europe ? formuler pour l’Europe des propositions audacieuses et imaginatives