Speaking to China: Why Europe needs unity on human rights
The case of Ilham Tohti shows how EU’s lack of unity on human rights policy allows Beijing to get its way
The case of Ilham Tohti shows how EU’s lack of unity on human rights policy allows Beijing to get its way
Is China taking action in global crises merely for its own national interest, or is it also concerned with the global common good?
As debate in China's centre is stifled, Hongkongers fear for their future – with good cause.
The new Commission and High Representative could learn from ground-level engagement between EU and Chinese groups
Europe's inaction on the Islamic State could have tragic consequences, for the Middle East and for Europe itself.
Russian actions and Western responses to them could accelerate the unwinding of the current international order
The BNP Paribas case shows that the United States is happy to risk plunging the European banking system into chaos. Europe should take note
The outcome of the Shangri-La Dialogue raises questions about the role of think tanks in diplomacy
The French turn out in droves, the Eurosceptic Front National wins
China stands to gain more than it would lose from discouraging Western intervention whereas the weak US and EU responses worry Japan and Taiwan