François Godement

Stronger than it thinks it is: how Europe should deal with China

The question of how the EU should deal with the world’s rising powers will dominate the informal Gymnich foreign ministers’ meeting and the European Council meeting over the next week. In a memo to European leaders, François Godement and Mark Leonard argue that the financial crisis may have increased Europe’s leverage when it deals with Beijing

Europe and the China Challenge

Could the dream of a “G3”  between the EU, China and the US ever become a reality? Or will the EU remain in the sidelines? Francois Godement argues in a piece for Le Monde that to avoid irrelevance, the EU needs to decide what it wants from China. (article in French)

Will Europe rise to the Eyjafjallajokull challenge?

The eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano has created transport chaos, but the EU can lead the way in finding a trans-national solution to a cross-border crisis

Copenhagen, and why Beijing should not over-play its hand

The Copenhagen Climate Conference showed the world that China was willing to use its power aggresively. But although it walked away without having given an inch, Beijing should worry about over-playing a strong hand

Has the EU escaped a Chinese rescue?

There is one worrying element to Greece’s financial tragedy that people seem to have forgotten: Greece first turned to Beijing for help

Again, the China arms embargo issue

Spain’s call for the EU to lift the arms embargo against China suffers from bad timing and blundering diplomacy

The EU and China: Talking past each other

Did anybody notice the recent EU-China summit that took place at the end of November in Nanjing? No? The summit only lasted an hour and forty-five minutes

Obama in Asia

Despite dissimilarities between them, a G2 of China and the US haunts Europe