Daniel Korski

Drafting a new Afghan-Pakistan strategy

Europe and the U.S need a new strategy to deal with Afghanistan and Pakistan. A transatlantic Baker-Hamilton-style commission is necessary

Saving global Europe

Europe’s citizens – and the world – need an EU that can act more effectively abroad. Failure by European leaders to create such a Union would have serious repercussions

Ireland’s creative destruction

With an Irish “No” to Lisbon, others should continue the ratification process and European leaders keep focus on how to make the EU an effective global player

On Iraq, it’s time to call Europe

The US presidential candidates should agree to set up an entirely independent team to canvass European views and share ideas for what do next in Iraq

Weaning Afghanistan off drugs

The Afghan opium economy continues to grow. To have any chance of success, international efforts need to focus on security and bringing criminal kingpins to justice through a specialised UN court

New German security strategy – Going it alone?

CDU’s new draft National Security Strategy is a useful document but one that seems to be ignoring the benefits of being part of the EU

No Afghan spring

The assasination attempt on Hamid Karzai should prompt a re-think of the international community’s Afghan policy