
Europe needs to stop its pandering to China

Given China’s cancellation on the eve of the summit in December, a summit is all Europe can hope for in terms of engagement with China

Avoiding a new iron curtain

As European leaders travel to Prague for tomorrow’s Eastern Partnership summit, the Eastern neighbourhood states are experiencing the worst political, security and economic crisis they have faced since their independence in 1991

Bittersweet anniversary

As Europe celebrates the 5th anniversary of enlargement, the concept of Eastern Europe is unfortunately still alive and well

Moldavija – pozabljena de?ela na robu EU

Če v Bruslju ne bodo vodili “dejavne” politike do Moldavije, bo v njej zavladal avtoritarni re?im, kakr?nega imajo v sosednji Belorusiji

Russia’s EU Trojan horse makes a change

Bulgaria seems to have learned a lesson from January?s gas crisis ? Europeanise its energy resources. Vessela Tcherneva gives a first hand account of the Sofia Energy Conference

EU unity and divisions on the East

The EU must take a serious took at the strategy it employs to its East – the disunity on how to deal with Russia and the Eastern Neighbourhood is paralysing