Bridging expectations: The EU’s vision for 2025 and the role of the Polish presidency
On 4 December 2024 Polityka Insight and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) organised an event in Brussels focused on the priorities of the…
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On 4 December 2024 Polityka Insight and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) organised an event in Brussels focused on the priorities of the…
At Polityka Insight and ECFR, we believe there is an urgent need to engage in a critical conversation about the risks and trends shaping the European project. For this reason, we invite you to join forces, and participate in the Conversation on issues preoccupying the community today, and awaiting it tomorrow
On behalf of Polityka Insight and the European Council on Foreign Relations, it is our pleasure to invite you join us in our post-election debate…
Zrywanie przez Unię Europejską więzi energetycznych z Rosją sprawiło, że suwerenność energetyczna UE i jej państw członkowskich stała się kategorią o strategicznym znaczeniu zarówno…
At Polityka Insight and ECFR, we believe there is an urgent need to engage in a critical conversation about the risks and trends shaping the European project. For this reason, we invite you to join forces, and participate in the Conversation on issues preoccupying the community today, and awaiting it tomorrow
The ECFR Warsaw Office and Forum Energii invite you to attend the conference “European energy security” to reflect on how the events of recent months are affecting energy security in Europe and what the priorities should be in the coming period
Russia’s devastating war against Ukraine on European soil has been raging for one year now. With tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives lost, the country is fighting…
Agresja Rosji na Ukrainę zburzyła podstawy gospodarczych i strategicznych stosunków Unii Europejskiej z Rosją, które do tej pory w dużej mierze opierały się na handlu…
What instruments does the EU have at its disposal to address the challenges related to the crisis? And what are the lessons learned from the refugee crisis in 2015?
Ahead of the EU summit, French and Polish experts will discuss the European security situation as the war in Ukraine unfolds. They will analyse the current developments, EU’s role in the conflict and challenges for the EU security and defence in the upcoming months