Finding untapped partners for a multilateral world: A Black Coffee Morning
Multilateralism is in crisis. Europeans find it increasingly difficult to shape their environment and make themselves heard on the global stage. Their relative weight is…
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Multilateralism is in crisis. Europeans find it increasingly difficult to shape their environment and make themselves heard on the global stage. Their relative weight is…
Die EU muss sich reformieren, bevor sie die Ukraine (und andere Beitrittskandidaten) aufnimmt – nur so verhindert sie totale Dysfunktionalität
Italy’s leaders are confronting a decision about whether to withdraw from a memorandum of understanding with China on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) before…
What do Europeans think about Russia, China, and the war in Ukraine? Join a panel of policymakers and expert observers to analyse ECFR’s latest public opinion…
This debate is part of ECFR’s Re:shape Global Europe project funded by Stiftung Mercator
This debate is part of ECFR’s Re:shape Global Europe project funded by Stiftung Mercator
With the EU’s High Representative as our honoured guest, the panel will explore the birth of a geopolitical Europe and the new dimensions of European power with a focus on the tech, economic, and security terrains
This Oxford-style debate is part of ECFR’s Re:shape Global Europe project supported by Stiftung Mercator
Should the next German government ditch Merkel’s “constructive dialogue” with Turkey and join France and Greece for a more confrontational approach?
In Poland, as well as across the EU, we witness a battle between these two narratives. Depending on which of them prevails, EU countries and institutions may choose to react more or less firmly to the Polish challenge – with lasting consequences for the EU’s future shape