Viajemos de Túnez al Sahel: frágil democracia, inseguridad… ¿Europa?
El pasado 12 de diciembre, la oficina de ECFR Madrid organizó un evento sobre la situación en Túnez y Sahel titulado “Viajemos de Túnez al Sahel:…
El pasado 12 de diciembre, la oficina de ECFR Madrid organizó un evento sobre la situación en Túnez y Sahel titulado “Viajemos de Túnez al Sahel:…
The European Union is not helpless in the face of migration flows from sub-Saharan Africa. Here is how it can act
ECFR Council members call for European states to provide emergency airlift services in Aleppo and implement additional sanctions on Russia for its complicity in war crimes
Faced with the prospect of diminished US interest in a two state solution, the EU needs to send a strong signal that it remains committed to this vision
There are not many issues on which Europe, Russia and China all agree, but there is one: ensuring that President-elect Donald J. Trump does not undermine the Iran nuclear deal
The convergence with the new US Administration will be crucial
La convergenza con la nuova amministrazione USA sarà cruciale
To date, at least 20 European states (including 18 European Union members) have issued advisories to warn their businesses of the legal, financial, and reputational…
Renewed focus on differentiation one of few hopes for saving the two state solution
What is differentiation and why does it matter?