Can a regional process unlock Israeli-Palestinian peace?
If Arab states remain committed to increased cooperation with Israel, they should explore how these growing ties could be leveraged to advance Palestinian sovereignty
If Arab states remain committed to increased cooperation with Israel, they should explore how these growing ties could be leveraged to advance Palestinian sovereignty
Each must do more to avoid interfering in the other’s domestic secu
Turkey's constrained military and inward focus could soften its 'Assad must go' policy.
High-level political talks cannot be the only focus for the international community if Yemen is to have any chance of recovery
Adding NATO to Operation Sophia is unlikely to substantially change the picture – though it won’t hurt. Instead, in the coming months the EU should focus on three policy baskets
How can Europe support the UN-brokered Libyan political agreement and help stabilise Libya?
Ein Berlin Foreign Policy Club Treffen zum Thema “Syrien und die EU”, wobei das neue Papier von Julien Barnes-Dacey “The war next door: Syria and the erosion of stability in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey” vorgestellt wurde.
Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey have so far been resilient to the spillover from Syria’s civil war, but now the region’s stability is hanging by a thread
Am 23. Juni setzten wir gemeinsam mit der Stiftung Mercator mit “What does Israel think about Europe? And why?” die Reihe „Europe seen from the outside“ fort.
Although the nuclear negotiations have taken Iran-US bilateral relations to unprecedented levels, the animosity persists. Almost a year after signing the nuclear deal, there has been little meaningful movement either from Iran or the West to maximize the potential of this opening.