European Power

Italy’s distracted political elite

May's European Parliament election will shape the future of Italian political parties – will it enable traditional mainstream parties to stage a recovery? 

Is winter coming to the EU?

Many observers expect a grand showdown between the forces of “open” and “closed” societies in next month’s European Parliament elections, with the very future of the European Union at stake. They are right to be worried, but wrong about the reason

Press release: Almost 100 million swing voters up for grabs in EU elections, according to major new report

ECFR report, backed by pan-European polling, debunks ‘five myths’ about the forthcoming election. Finds evidence of volatility, rather than a shift to extremes, in Europe’s electorate – with up to 30 percent of voters yet to decide how to cast their ballot. ‘Belief in the system’ is the key indicator towards understanding and engaging the electorate

Pioneer and far: Estonia’s European ambitions

Estonian expertise can be of great use in strengthening Europe’s digital society, connecting governing institutions and citizens at the EU level, and improving connectivity between European countries

The unwavering European: Spain and its place in Europe

ECFR’s Coalition Explorer shows Spain to be an outlier in Europe – as it places great weight on foreign policy. But could new political turbulence thwart its ambitions once more?

When European politics becomes personal

As the United Kingdom has hurtled ever closer to the Brexit cliff, once-abstract notions of a transcendent European identity have gained substance, and millions of people who still believe in the European project have come out in support of it. The question now is whether the European idea can win out over resurgent nationalism