Roundtable on Energy Security
Rountable discussion on european energy strategy and the role this plays in transatlantic relations. This event is in cooperation with the Atlantic Council and the Aspen Institute Germany
Rountable discussion on european energy strategy and the role this plays in transatlantic relations. This event is in cooperation with the Atlantic Council and the Aspen Institute Germany
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un Black Coffee Morning sur le thème suivant : « Bewitched by Brexit: Referendums and modern democracy » en présence de Caroline de Gruyter, Carole Ulmer, et Jeremy Shapiro
Closed Workshop on the future of internet regulation with experts from the private sector, civil society, and government
Professor Zhang Jian, Director of the CICIR Institute for European Studies will dicuss China's perspective on its relationship with the EU and its member states amid a growing geo-political rivalry with the US under president Trump
Roundtable discussion with our partners from the Estonian Foreign Policy Centre, the International Centre for Defence and Security and the Estonian Embassy in Berlin
Our Monthly Foreign Policy Club format, with this edition focusing on the future of EU Foreign Policy.
A discussion workshop on Artificial Intelligence’s impact on geopolitics and warfare and what it means for Europe
In cooperation with European Foreign Ministries, the EEAS and Bruegel, “Strategic sovereignty: How Europe can regain the capacity to act” looks at the different ways that, in a world of superpower competition, Europe is in danger of becoming a plaything of other powers
France’s European strategy: the reality check July 3rd, 8:30am – 9:30am at the ECFR Berlin Office – Entrance: Rosmarinstraße 1, 10117…
La oficina de Madrid de ECFR organiza este evento en colaboración con la Fundación Bertelsmann para tratar sobre el futuro de la Unión Europea en esta nueva legislatura y sobre qué quieren realmente los ciudadanos