Cohesion & Governance

European defence and the two per cent mantra

The best route to improved European defence capabilities is to build on the patchwork of co-operation that already exists – with Germany at its centre

Britain Steps Into a Deglobalising World

The trend for integration of global markets has softened and might soon even revert, which will force nation-states to rethink their trade strategies

How Trump will save Europe

Ironically, the deeply Euroskeptic U.S. president and his ally in the Kremlin may provide the push Europe needs to finally resolve its biggest crises

Harnessing the Politics of Disruption

What both the Brexit vote and Trump's election show is a serious lack of confidence in existing institutions

French elections: The demolition game heats up

So far, this French electoral cycle is something in between a roller coaster and a demolition game. The French political system is accustomed to crushing incumbents, but this time the destruction has been more inclusive